You Segment

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Template:CK Template:Aufnahme

Film-Icon.png Music video available.

<lilymidi> \version "2.8.7" <<

   { \transpose c es {
       r4 a1:m r e:m r g f c r   
       a1:m r e:m r g f c r
       a:m r f c g f c r
       g1 r f c   g r f c  
       g1 r f c   g f2 g2 c1 r  
   } }
   { \key es \major \time 4/4 \tempo 4=128
     \partial 4 
     \transpose c es { 
       c'4   a a b8 c'4 e'8 ~ e'8 a2 r8 c'4 b b b8 c'4 b8 ~ b2 r
       b8 b b d'4 b4.   c'8 c' c' f'4 c' g8
       c'4 c' c'8 d' e' d' ~ d' c'2 r8 c'4 
       a a b8 c'4 e'8 ~ e'8 a2 r8 c'4 b b b8 c'4 b8 ~ b2 r
       b8 b b d'4 b4.   c'8 c' c' f'4 c' f'8
       e' (d') c'4 c'8 c' c' d' ~ d' c'2 r8 c'4
       e'4. e'8 e'8 f'4 g'8 ~ g' f' e'4. r8 e'4 f'4. c'8 c'8 a f' e' ~ e' e'2 r8 d'8 e'
       d' (c') b2 r8 b   c'4 a c'8 d' e' d' ~ d' c'2. r8   r2. e'8 (f')
       g'4 g' g'8 a'4 g'8 ~ g'4. r8 a'4 g'4
       f'4 f' f' g'8 f' ~ f' e'2 r8 e' f'
       g'4 g' g'8 g'4 a'8 ~ a' g'4 f' e'4.
       f'4 c' c'8 d' f' e' ~ e'2 r8 e' f'4
       g'4 g' g'8 g'4 a'8 ~ a' g'4 a' ais'8 a' g'
       f'4 f' g'8 g'4 f'8 ~ f' e'2 r8 d' e'
       d' (c') b4. r8 b4   c'2 b c'2. r4   r2.
   } }
   { \set stanza = #"1. "
     This girl is not con -- sid -- ered.
     Look close -- ly, ve -- ry wild.
     Sex be -- fore marri -- age, and I don't have it.
     We ask you not to be vio -- lent.
     You should pre -- pare for Li -- sa
     the best shit in a cup.
     Speak now the la -- zy ver -- ses of ha -- zy
     pink dun -- geons. Hur -- ry and don't stop.
     This blows the co -- ver off the grass. 
     And Li -- sa, she is not like that.
     DO -- YU -- KU -- RU! We ask you not to be vio -- lent. 
     You have to un -- der -- stand, we will not be -- lieve the rea -- son.
     As the rea -- son for the dark -- ness
     lies bey -- ond your place at this time.
     And al -- though the bright -- est sun -- shine
     would be no -- thing more than dar -- kest trea -- son.
     DO -- YU -- KU -- RU! The girl is mine.
   { \set stanza = #"2. "
 %%    Con -- ti -- nue to their coun -- try.
 %%    It's just the place for you.
 %%    Sex be -- fore mar -- riage, there you can have it.
 %%    It's like a dream co -- me true. __ \skip 2
 %%    But wait un -- til De -- cem -- ber, 
 %%    the Dark -- est must be heard.
 %%    What she said last time, I can't re -- mem -- ber. 
 %%    The seg -- ment must be pre -- pa -- red.
 %%    You want to talk a -- bout it all
 %%    but now it's too late for __ \skip 4 that.
 %%    DO -- YU -- KU -- RU! You seg -- ment, stop be -- ing vio -- lent.

>> </lilymidi>


Continue to their country.
It's just the place for you.
Sex before marriage, there you can have it.
It's like a dream come true.
But wait until December,
the Darkest must be heard.
What she said last time, I can't remember.
The segment must be prepared.
You want to talk about it all
but now it's too late for that.
DO YU KU RU! You segment, stop being violent.

Worte: Nightcrawler, Aphyx und Sloyment,
Weise: Sloyment Cc-zero.svg This work has been released into the Public Domain using the CC0 protocol.