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<lilymidi> \version "2.10.33" \new ChoirStaff <<

 \new Staff {
   \key es \major \time 4/4 %% \tempo "Langsam."
     \new Voice = "first" {


 \relative c' { 
   \key es \major \time 4/4 %% \tempo 4=
   r2 es4 es8 (f)   g4 c8 c bes4 as   g1   g4 bes bes as   f2 es4 es8 (f)   g4 c8 c bes4 as8 as   g4. g8 g2   g4 bes2 as8 g8
   f2 es4 f   f g as as   g2. c4   e c g a   bes2. bes4   bes g as bes   c c2 bes4   as g f2   es r


     } %% /new Voice
     \new Voice = "second" {


 \relative c' { 
   \key es \major \time 4/4 %% \tempo 4=
   r2 bes4 bes8 (d)   es4 es8 es d4 f   es1   es4 es es es   es (d) es bes8 (d)   es4 g8 g f4 f8 es   d4. d8 d2   c4 (d) es es8 es
   es4 (d) es d   d e f f   es2. f4   es4 g g f8 (es)   d2. f4   es es es f8 (g)   a4 a2 es4   es es es (d)   es2 r


     } %% /new Voice
 } %% /new Staff
 \new Lyrics = "first"
 \new Lyrics = "second"
 \new Lyrics = "third"
 \new Lyrics = "fourth"
 \new Staff {
   \clef bass \key d \major \time 4/4 
     \new Voice = "third" {


 \relative g { 
   \clef bass \key es \major \time 4/4 %% \tempo 4=  
   r2 g4 g8 (as)   bes4 as g f4 bes   bes1   bes4 bes bes c   f (as) g g8 as   bes4 e8 e d4 c8 c   b4. b8 b2   es4 bes2 c8 c
   as2 g4 bes   bes bes c c   c2. a4   g


     } %% /new Voice
     \new Voice = "fourth" {


 \relative c { 
   \clef bass \key es \major \time 4/4 %% \tempo 4=


     } %% /new Voice
 } %% /new Staff
 \context Lyrics = "first" {
   \lyricsto "first" {
     %% 25  in Un -- ru -- he
 \context Lyrics = "second" {
   \lyricsto "second" {
     Wirf dein An -- lie -- gen auf den Herrn, der wird dich ver -- sor -- gen,
     und wird den Ge -- rech -- ten nicht e -- wig -- lich in Un -- ru -- he las -- sen.
     Denn sei -- ne Gna -- de reicht so weit der Him -- mel ist,
     und kei -- ner wird zu Schan -- den, der sei -- ner har -- ret.
 \context Lyrics = "third" {
   \lyricsto "third" {
 \context Lyrics = "fourth" {
   \lyricsto "fourth" {

>> </lilymidi>

construction work FIXME!

Worte: Psalm 55:23, 108:5 nd 25:2
Weise: (* 1809, † 1847)


„Sängerhain. Sammlung heiterer und ernster Gesänge für Gymnasien, Real und Bürgerschulen“
Drittes Heft, 13. Auflage, Verlag G. D. Bädeker, 1882.
Public Domain This work is in the Public Domain because of its age.